Fall In Love With Being Alone and Be Your Own Best Friend

I know it sounds cheesy to be your own best friend, but in a world rapidly changing every day, it’s crucial to have an incredible relationship with yourself.
One of the best ways to build a great relationship with yourself is to be alone
And I know that may sound scary for you, or maybe you spend time alone with yourself, but you’re constantly distracted by social media or entertainment.
Why Spending Time Alone is Crucial
Spending time is alone is a great way to build a relationship with ourselves because we need time to reflect and process what’s going on in our day today.
Being alone is a great way to understand what’s going on in our lives, like what is the state of your emotional well-being? How is the physical body reacting to recent events? Do I need to encourage myself?
It’s an act of self-love when we check in with ourselves to see how we are doing.
We know that establishing a great relationship with our friends or family comes from spending quality time with them. Then, why don’t we intentionally build that relationship with ourselves as well?
Listen to Yourself
To build great relationships with other people requires being an active listener. Therefore, we need to listen to our mind, body, and emotional state to build a great relationship with ourselves.
How do you listen to your mind, body, and emotional state?
It will look different for everyone reading this article, but here are some suggestions to explore.
- Journaling about your recent experiences of the mind, body, and emotions.
- Taking a walk or going on a hike to let your thoughts wander and flow.
- Sit on a bench in a green space, and reflect.
- Go on a long drive inspiring drive with quiet music
- Do an art project where you can express how your body is currently feeling.
- Meditate for 10 minutes and let the thinking mind become still.
Regardless of which activity you choose, your curiosity about how you are doing will be the ultimate driving force of how your listening session goes.
I’ll give you an example.
I’ve recently been a bit anxious and overwhelmed since I’ve moved to LA, and I miss Eugene, OR. My body has been a bit tight, and my thoughts have constantly been wandering back to memories from Eugene.
So, I’ve been taking myself on walks and honestly asking myself questions like, what do I miss about Eugene? How can I find more activities to bring me joy and help me acclimate to city life?
Truthfully, I’ve been practicing being alone for quite some time, and your first few go-arounds with listening to yourself might be challenging. Try different activities, listen to yourself and what you enjoy doing! You could be playing basketball and getting to know yourself better; it is whatever works for you.
The most important aspect of it all is that you spend time alone without distraction.
Once you can make checking in with yourself a habit, whether daily or weekly depending on your lifestyle, you will improve your relationship with yourself.
I’d love to continue this conversation with you or even work with you. My email is justin@empactors.com.
Until next time my friends.
Cheers. :)