5 Ideas to Stay Mindful In Stressful Situations
It’s easy to be mindful on vacation when everything is all good, and we have no worries. But then we get sent into the action of everyday life, and boom. Opportunities to practice mindfulness occur.
Two days ago, my car was rear-ended while driving to work. Since I am now the gym's Head Coach, my mind began sending me thoughts about not being a great leader because I would be late.
So I had to pause and take a moment. Did I choose to get rear-ended on my way to work? No. Am I thankful I am okay, with no injuries? Yes. Well, that’s a good start then.
Being Mindful When “Life Happens”
We often talk about meditating, going on walks, or doing yoga to invite mindfulness into our lives. But what happens when we are in action?
5 Mindful Ideas in Action
- Box Breathing — Breathe In, Hold, Breathe Out — four seconds at a time.
- Feel Your Feet — Focus on the sensation of pushing your feet into your shoes.
- Where Does Body Meet — If sitting, feel where your body and chair meet.
- Reminders — Create a reminder for yourself that will ground you.
- Let it Go — Do your best to be a Duck & let what’s bothering you wash away.
I by no means have this mastered. I am writing this because it’s a reiteration and reminder for me to be more mindful in times of duress.
No human is perfect in challenging moments, whether at work or in our personal lives. But when we make a mistake, we have an opportunity. To reflect and make adjustments. Or consistently make the same mistake over and over again.
Being mindful gives us the awareness to notice what is going on. To not let our emotions overtake us and make irrational decisions.
What are other ideas on how we can invite mindfulness during stressful situations?